Pediatric Speech Therapy Services in Doral, Florida
Pediatric Speech Therapy Services in Doral, Florida If you're a parent or guardian of a child who is struggling with [...]
Call Us Today! 786.717.5649 |
Call Us Today! 786.717.5649 |
Pediatric Speech Therapy Services in Doral, Florida If you're a parent or guardian of a child who is struggling with [...]
11 Tips To Help a Late Talker If you are worried about your child not saying any words yet, you’re [...]
Tele-therapy, which is a therapy session conducted by a health-care provider via technology, continues to grow and become exceedingly popular. [...]
Best Ways To Promote Language Development Want to know the secret to promoting language development in toddlers? Play! Child-led play [...]
Tips For Teletherapy Teletherapy is a growing field. Most professionals (e.g., speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, etc.) were pushed to [...]
A Sensory Friendly Holiday The best time of the year is approaching… the holidays! Compared to last year, the holidays [...]
A Strengths-Based Approach to Autism Learning Style (Social Communication) As time goes on, we continue to learn so much [...]
Does Teletherapy Work? It’s been over a year now since Exceptional Speech Therapy launched teletherapy services - a decision [...]
Halloween for Children with Special Needs It is now Fall! (I know… Time is flying!). Luckily, this time of year [...]
Children With ADHD Kids are known to have increased energy and occasionally be disruptive (life would be boring without [...]
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