Today, we will explore an example of a Pediatric Sensory Diet to kickstart your child’s sensory adventure! Before we jump into the example, let’s remember that every child is unique. A Sensory Diet is a personalized roadmap to support children in navigating their sensory world, whether they’re sensory seekers, avoiders, or somewhere in between.


Signs Your Child Might Benefit:

Sensory Seeking or Avoiding Behaviors:

  • Seekers: Does your child crave intense sensory input, like constantly touching everything or seeking out movement activities?  Incorporate activities like jumping on a trampoline, spinning in a swing, or playing on a rocking horse.
  • Avoiders: On the flip side, does your child show aversion to certain textures, sounds, or activities, withdrawing when faced with sensory stimuli?  consider introducing gentle tactile activities like exploring different fabrics or playing with soft brushes. 


  • Notice frequent mood swings, meltdowns, or difficulties in self-regulation? For emotional regulation, provide a cozy corner with soft cushions and calming music. Include stress-relief toys or a stress ball for moments when they need to release tension.

Challenges in Focus and Attention:

  • Is your child easily distracted or struggling to concentrate? Create a dedicated workspace with minimal distractions. Consider using fidget tools like stress balls or textured pencils to promote focus during activities.

Delayed Developmental Milestones:

  • Does your child exhibit delayed milestones? To support motor skills, incorporate activities like crawling through tunnels, stacking blocks, or using playdough to enhance fine motor coordination.


Sample Pediatric Sensory Diet:

  • Morning:
    • Wake-Up Calisthenics:
      • Encourage gentle stretching or yoga poses to wake up the body and provide a sensory-rich start to the day.
    • Tactile Breakfast:
      • Include breakfast options with various textures. Think about yogurt with granola, or fruit with different consistencies like apples and berries.
  • Afternoon:
    • Sensory-Friendly Lunch Break:
      • Provide a variety of foods with different textures for lunch. Include crunchy vegetables, soft sandwiches, and a refreshing drink.
    • Swinging or Bouncing Break:
      • Incorporate a midday movement break with a swing, bouncing ball, or a mini-trampoline session to recharge and refocus.
  • Evening:
    • Sensory Playtime:
      • Engage in sensory activities such as playing with kinetic sand, water play, or exploring textures with various fabrics and materials.
    • Bedtime Ritual:
      • Create a calming bedtime routine with activities like dimming lights, soft music, and gentle massage to ease into a restful night’s sleep.


There you have  a simple sample Pediatric Sensory Diet to inspire your own sensory adventures; however, each sensory diet will look very individualized and specific to what your child needs. Remember, the key is observation, customization, and, most importantly, embracing the uniqueness of your child’s sensory journey.

An occupational therapist will help you determine and follow a distinct, unique plan. By following a sensory diet, it will allow for optimal development. Please reach out to Exceptional Speech Therapy, as our highly trained occupational therapists are here to help. 

Happy Exploring to your little ones!


-Andrea Scola, M.S., CCC-SLP